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A member registered Jun 07, 2020

Recent community posts

Okay epic. And not yet, sadly. But as soon as I do, the first thing I'm doing is downloading this game :) I can't wait

This is amazing. Will you be implementing BDSM furniture and torture devices as well?

I did. It's better. Still not playable but that's not your fault. I'm getting a new laptop soon. Then I can finally play :) Thank you for all of the help

I have. sadly i still cant get it to run. but ill just wait patiently til i get a better laptop. keepup the great work. this is the kind of game that ive been looking for for years.

that would be amazing. Thank you so much!  Can we call it potato mode? Lol

I was wondering if there will be a settings feature implemented so that I may be able to adjust the settings. I have a potato PC and I was hoping to lower as many settings as possible to boost performance. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated

okay. Thank you so much!!! Good luck and keep up the amazing work! MAY YOUR BLADES STAY SHARP AND EVERCRIMSON!!! 

Okay, awesome. I look forward to seeing more of this. Will there be a way to make requests for specific things in the future?

will there be implementation of BDSM content as well

Okay, awesome! By all means take your time. I know what it's like. I'm looking forward to seeing this in the future. Keep up the great work

Is this still in the works or has it been abandoned?

Bless your heart. You realize there are no white people in the Bible yes?

Will there be BDSM content as well?

Thank you for letting us know whatcha got going on :) Keep up the great work. We support you 100%!!!

I am so excited for the final game. i have played and beat all of the demos. Pre-Alpha 0.0.1 took a little under 2 hours to beat. The  mechanics are amazing. Finally a bdsm themed game worth playing. Please keep up the amazing work.

Also, I enjoyed the endless lives as opposed to the last demo of only 3 lives. Will the final game also be endless?

Control isn't a big deal. So long as the keys can be customized it will be perfect. Great game. I love it

I love the artwork and the characters are all so sexy. I have issues using the current controls however. In the future, will you add key customizability and controller support?